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Welcome to the University of Kentucky Teaching Community! CELT  appreciates the wide range of roles you play at UK (teaching, research, advising, service, etc.) and enjoy collaborating with instructors around enhancing learning and teaching within their classes whether in-person, hybrid, or online. If you are curious about small instructional changes that can have an impact on learning within your classes, or discovering learning apps or generative ai tools, or how to address an instructional challenge, please feel free to request a consultation!

New Faculty Community Kick-off

CELT is offering an opportunity for New Faculty to come together on the second Friday of each month to discuss and explore topics that will enhance our teaching. This ongoing conversation around your shared experiences within the classroom, questions that arise, advice on practical teaching strategies, and opportunities for individual and group consultations. We are kicking this series off on September 13th from 10:00-10:50am in 502 King Library. Please sign up on this Registration Form.


First Day Tips

Feeling daunted by the first day of class? These simple tips are some easy ways to start your class off that can help encourage student engagement, and get everyone excited for the semester! 


Provost's Syllabus Checklist

When designing your course syllabus, please refer to the Provost's Syllabus checklist found here. You can find additional information on syllabi requirements here.

Building Community Guidelines

Building a community and establishing expectations are important components of classroom management. Community guidelines help provide a strong foundation for a community, by setting the tone and encouraging an environment where students feel supported engaging in activities and discussions. 

Transparent Assignment Design

Transparent Assignment design can help make assignments accessible, as well as help students understand the purpose of the assignment to their learning.  Use the quick start guide for an overview and the checklist for designing your assignments!

Strategies for Class Discussions

Want to head off bouts of silence during class discussions? Find some general strategies to help keep the conversation flowing!

Executive Functioning

Executive Function impacts learning and is influenced by many external factors. Learn a little about the brain's control center and ways to support executive functioning in your students. 

Fostering Self-Directed Learning

At times, we wonder why students are struggling to acquire the knowledge and develop the skills within our courses. This pair of resources breakdown ways  instructors help students develop skills in becoming a more self-directed learner and help students manage their own learning.

WISE Feedback

Feedback is widely regarded as an essential tool responsible for steering and promoting intellectual growth. Wise Feedback is a way of framing this feedback that has been shown to increase the likelihood that students will address the comments and revise their work.

AI Course Policies

AI is still relatively new to the scene, and developing a course policy on how students should or should not use AI in class is an important part of course design. CELT has developed some policy examples to help!

CELT AI Course Policy Examples

UDL Canvas Template

Universal Design Principles can be leveraged in Canvas to support executive functioning in students. Download the UDL Canvas Template below. 

UDL Canvas Template