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Thinking about applying for TEK Faculty Fellows? Come to a Q+A session!

The TEK office and CELT will hold a TEK Faculty Fellows Q+A event on Thursday, March 6 at 2:00 p.m. in B-108C William T. Young Library for prospective applicants to hear from previous TEK Faculty Fellows, discuss ideas, and identify potential collaborators.

4th Volume of CELT's "Greater Faculties" Released

CELT is proud to announce the publication of the fourth volume of Greater Faculties: A Review of Teaching and Learning. This special issue of Greater Faculties features essays from presenters at the inaugural UK Teaching Excellence Symposium, hosted by CELT on October 13, 2023.

2023-2024 Annual Report Published

CELT has published its annual report for the 2023-2024 academic year. We’re excited to share this annual report with the UK community and beyond. What you’ll see in it is the story of CELT as it continues to expand, evolve, and engage with innovative and strategic approaches to education.

CELT Launches Essentials in Teaching and Learning Badge for Graduate Students

Graduate instructors and teaching assistants are central to the undergraduate teaching mission of the University of Kentucky, yet they enter these pivotal roles with uneven experience, training, and resources/support for teaching effectiveness. CELT. fills this gap through the Essentials in Teaching and Learning Badge, which can be earned by graduate students, postdocs, professional students, and postgraduate fellows or trainees.

CELT and College of Medicine Launch ASPIRE Program

Today, CELT and the College of Medicine's Office of Community Advancement held the first meeting of ASPIRE: Adopting Supportive Practices for Interconnectedness in Research Environments. This inaugural cohort of principal investigators began a semester-long program focused on fostering effective teamwork and community in the research environment.

CELT Launches 5th Cohort of Teaching Innovation Institute, Focusing on Generative AI

Yesterday, CELT launched the fifth (and largest) cohort of our Teaching Innovation Institute with faculty from 12 colleges and 24 departments or schools. This year-long, transdiciplinary program brings together faculty teacher-scholars and leaders in the spirit of collaboration and community to enhance the educational mission of the University of Kentucky.

Updated Syllabus Guidance and Checklist

We hope you have had both a restful and productive summer. We are looking forward to your return to campus soon as we kick off the 2024-25 academic year. To help with those efforts, the Fall 2024 Syllabus Guidance and Checklist details the essential elements for your class syllabi and what we hope is other helpful guidance as you make final preparations for your classes.

UK Faculty Elevate Teaching at CELT UDL Boot Camp

On May 14-16, faculty from nine colleges participated in the three-day CELT UDL Boot Camp, during which they explored and applied the ideas of UDL using design thinking approaches that asked participants to see their courses through a student-oriented lens.

2024-2025 CELT Teaching Innovation Institute Cohort to Focus on Generative AI

At CELT we are excited to announce the 2024-25 Teaching Innovation Institute faculty and look forward to learning alongside them. This cohort represents 11 colleges and 24 departments or schools across UK. This time, the Institute will focus on generative AI in teaching and learning.

CELT and Faculty Learning Community Present at CCTS Conference

On April 9, members of CELT and the faculty learning community co-hosted by CELT and the College of Health Sciences presented at the UK Center for Clinical and Translational Sciences spring conference. Among the posters was one featuring the work and progress of the faculty learning community, which focuses on the scholarship of teaching and learning.

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