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Strategies for Building Inclusive Learning Environments

Join us for an exploration of pedagogical strategies that establish and sustain a classroom that prioritizes inclusiveness by making space for all students. Using a framework that emphasizes connections, facilitation, mindfulness, and follow-up, the group will consider next steps for their own teaching and courses. NB: this workshop can be applied towards the inclusive teaching badge. Click here to register.

Instructors Reflect on Inclusive Teaching and Learning Environments

On January 19, 2023, CELT held a workshop titled “Setting Up an Inclusive Classroom." CELT's intern Jemi Chew asked Dr. Jill Abney about the goals and impact of inclusive teaching practices, as well as what instructors gain from attending workshops that focus on them.

Setting up an Inclusive Classroom

How we begin the semester can set a lasting tone for our courses in terms of fostering inclusivity and building community. Join us for an exploration of pedagogical strategies that establish and sustain a classroom that prioritizes inclusiveness by making space for all students.

Inclusive & Equitable Pedagogy: A Mindful Practice

Building on previous discussions about fostering community and belonging in the learning environment, this workshop focuses on inclusion as a pedagogical practice and invites participants to explore mindfulness as a tool for sustaining work in inclusive and equitable pedagogical praxis.

Setting the Tone and Fostering Inclusion

How we begin during the first weeks of classes can have a lasting impact on the atmosphere of our courses for the duration of the semester. In this workshop, we will explore opportunities to immediately foster inclusivity and set the tone for an engaging and successful semester. Attendees will develop insights and learn practical tools for establishing and sustaining a welcoming classroom community for all students.