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UK Teaching Excellence Symposium Call for Proposals

We are excited to announce the call for presentation proposals for the UK Teaching Excellence Symposium which will take place on Friday, October 13, 2023 on the first floor of the Gatton College of Business and Economics building. Proposal submissions are due by 5pm on Wednesday, September 27, 2023. See details below. 


Sponsored by the Office for Faculty Advancement and the Center for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching, the symposium will be a space for sharing examples of exceptional teaching, exploring pedagogical frameworks, and fostering connections and community among UK educators. Anyone connected to the instructional mission of the university (faculty, instructors, teaching assistants, PTIs, etc.) are invited to submit proposals.

Proposal Formats:

We invite proposals for two different formats including:

5-8 minute lightning talks

Lightning talks highlight a specific curricular or pedagogical intervention, grounding it in a practical need and providing insights that can be considered or applied across a range of disciplines. Lightning talks may situate the intervention within a theoretical or evidence-based framework, but should focus on practice and application.

15 minute presentations

Presentations explore questions, case studies, data, developments, theoretical or evidence-based frameworks, and practices related to teaching and learning. While presentations may focus on a particular discipline, program, or course, they should address an audience of teacher-scholars from across the University.

We welcome proposals for presentations on a wide range of topics that highlight meaningful and timely projects, inquiries, and approaches to teaching to support the UK teaching community.

Submission Guidelines:

Submit your proposal by completing this form. Individual and group proposals are welcome. The form will require the following information:

  1. Presenter name(s), college/department/school, & contact information
  2. Session title & preferred format (please note, based on number and type of proposals received, we may have to request an alternate format)
  3. Description of the teaching intervention or research and a clear indication of the learning outcome participants will walk away with. (100-250 words)
  4. Brief description for program (one-two sentence(s)).
  5. Any other information needed (e.g., accommodations, technology, preferred time of the day).

Key Dates:

Proposal submission deadline: Wednesday, September 27, 2023 by 5:00

Acceptance notification: Thursday, October 5, 2023

Keynote and Workshop:

In addition to the presentations, the symposium will feature a keynote address and interactive workshop by Dr. Michelle D. Miller, author of Remembering and Forgetting in the Age of Technology: Teaching, Learning, and the Science of Memory in a Wired World (WVU Press, 2022) and Minds Online: Teaching Effectively with Technology (Harvard UP, 2014). Dr. Miller is a professor in the Department of Psychological Sciences at Northern Arizona University.

If you plan to attend the event please register here (regardless if you plan to present).


Submit your proposal