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Incorporating Virtual Reality in your Classroom

Participants will have the opportunity to use MetaQuest headsets to explore virtual reality (VR) applications for the classroom. The session will introduce VR and allow time for both assignment brainstorming and experimentation with the headsets’ capabilities.

UDL Faculty Boot Camp

This three-day CELT Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Boot Camp will introduce faculty to the theory and practice of Universal Design for Learning (UDL): an inclusive, research-based planning framework that helps educators reduce learning barriers through proactive design. Faculty will explore and apply UDL-informed approaches to their teaching with the goal of fostering equitable and accessible learning environments for all students. Lunches and light breakfasts will be provided for all three days.

UDL Staff Boot Camp

This three-day CELT Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Boot Camp will introduce staff to the theory and practice of Universal Design for Learning (UDL): an inclusive, research-based planning framework that helps educators reduce learning barriers through proactive design. Staff will explore and apply UDL-informed approaches to their work with the goal of fostering equitable and accessible learning environments for all students. Lunches and light breakfasts will be provided for all three days.

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