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CELT Launches Digital Badging Program

We are excited to announce the formal launch of our digital badging program at CELT, with our inaugural badge on inclusive teaching. CELT badges are designed to recognize sustained inquiry and development on important topics in teaching and learning, and to support the professional advancement of faculty, graduate students, and instructional staff at UK.

CELT Team Presents Findings on Teaching Traumatic Histories at H-Net Conference

As part of CELT’s work to support effective and inclusive teaching at UK and beyond, a team of CELT staff presented at H-Net’s 2023 Teaching Conference on Tuesday, August 22. The conference theme “Critical Conversations: Teaching and Creating Community in Difficult Times,” prioritized transdisciplinary and multi-level conversations around current challenges facing teaching and learning. CELT team members Dr.

5R Framework for Trauma-Informed Teaching

This virtual session will introduce the 5R Framework for trauma-informed teaching and explore small ways to implement the framework into your course. Click here to register. Facilitators:

How Ungrading Works

Ungrading is a broad and evolving pedagogical practice that resists one standardized definition. One general theme of ungrading is that it urges movement away from traditional assessment and grading practices to support student learning through equity, student-centered instruction, and meaningful feedback, etc. This in-person workshop will introduce instructors to some different approaches to ungrading and explore examples of course implementation.

Critical Pedagogy for Challenging Times

The diversity of students’ experiences and identities inevitably invites topics of public debate to our learning environments, and they often become a large part of class discussions whether we welcome them or not. This workshop considers the generative possibility of engaging tense topics and explores strategies to effectively facilitate classroom conversations and navigate "hot" moments.