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CELT Mission

CELT advances educational excellence at the University of Kentucky through (1) collaboration with faculty, staff, and students; (2) partnerships with academic and administrative units; and (3) leadership on the challenges, opportunities, and issues impacting teaching and learning in higher education. Regardless of the form and setting in which teaching and learning take place, CELT is an expert and committed presence to foster community, collaboration, and innovation for instructor and student success at UK.

Apply to be a 2025-2025 TEK Faculty Fellow

Transdisciplinary Educational approaches to advance Kentucky (TEK) has released the application for the third cohort of its Faculty Fellows program. The program is designed to support faculty in developing new transdisciplinary courses and teaching existing courses with a more explicit focus on essential employability skills. The overall goal of TEK is to expand students’ access to transdisciplinary educational approaches for the development of transferable skills.

Thinking about applying for TEK Faculty Fellows? Come to a Q+A session!

The TEK office and CELT will hold a TEK Faculty Fellows Q+A event on Thursday, March 6 at 2:00 p.m. in B-108C William T. Young Library for prospective applicants to hear from previous TEK Faculty Fellows, discuss ideas, and identify potential collaborators.

4th Volume of CELT's "Greater Faculties" Released

CELT is proud to announce the publication of the fourth volume of Greater Faculties: A Review of Teaching and Learning. This special issue of Greater Faculties features essays from presenters at the inaugural UK Teaching Excellence Symposium, hosted by CELT on October 13, 2023.