CELT advances educational excellence at the University of Kentucky through (1) collaboration with faculty, staff, and students; (2) partnerships with academic and administrative units; and (3) leadership on the challenges, opportunities, and issues impacting teaching and learning in higher education. Regardless of the form and setting in which teaching and learning take place, CELT is an expert and committed presence to foster community, collaboration, and innovation for instructor and student success at UK.

CELT engaging, inclusive, & innovative approaches to teaching & learning
CELT Mission
Quick Links
- send us a message
- request a consultation, ask us a question, or send us a comment or idea
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- join our listserv for announcements, events, and other news
- request student feedback
- request that CELT facilitate mid-semester student feedback in your course(s)
- register for events
- read about and register for our upcoming events and workshops
- find us on campus
- find our offices on campus in King Library, suites 502 and 518—you're welcome any time!