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At the University of Kentucky, we aim to support all students in their learning and provide equitable pathways to success. Our students come from a wide range of backgrounds with different strengths and experiences in their educational journeys, and as teachers we strive not only to engage students in meaningful learning experiences but also to ensure that those experiences are designed in a way that accounts for different needs and removes barriers to success.

This three-day (May 14-May 16) CELT Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Boot Camp will introduce faculty to the theory and practice of Universal Design for Learning (UDL): an inclusive, research-based planning framework that helps educators reduce learning barriers through proactive design.

The camp will be led by Jennifer Pusateri, PhD, Senior Universal Design Consultant at CELT and author of Transform Your Teaching with Universal Design for Learning (CAST, 2022), as well as other CELT staff. Faculty will explore and apply UDL-informed approaches to their teaching with the goal of fostering equitable and accessible learning environments for all students.

Lunches and light breakfasts will be provided for all three days.


As a result of the UDL Boot Camp, participants will:

  • Adopt or strengthen a UDL mindset,
  • Gain an introductory understanding of the CAST UDL Framework,
  • Practice designing more accessible documents and slide decks,
  • Analyze aspects of their own teaching for evidence of UDL, and
  • Apply design-thinking strategies, research-based approaches, and planning templates to integrate UDL-informed approaches into their teaching.


Eligible participants are:

  • a full-time faculty member at UK (any designation or title series),
  • able to participate in all three days, and
  • interested in fostering more equitable, inclusive, and accessible learning environments

Up to 20 participants will be accepted. 

For participants who complete all three days of the UDL Boot Camp, CELT will fund participation in the CAST UDL Mindset badge. In addition, full participation in the UDL Boot Camp can count towards 2 of the 3 workshops required for the CELT Inclusive Teaching Badge.


See the tentative schedule.


Register here! 
(NB: up to 20 full-time faculty participants will be accepted on a first-come basis)