TEK Announces 2023-24 Faculty Fellows Cohort
Transdisciplinary Educational approaches to advance Kentucky, or TEK, challenges faculty and students to engage with complex, multidimensional and context-specific issues. Some have described these issues as “wicked problems” that exceed the capacity of any one framework, approach or perspective to provide an adequate or lasting solution. Moreover, TEK leverages these issues for students to develop essential employability skills, including the highly valued abilities to engage multiple points of view, reflect on growth, communicate ideas effectively and collaborate in teams.
A critical part of TEK is the development of new transdisciplinary courses as well as the revision of current courses to integrate transdisciplinary skills and learning outcomes. To accomplish this, TEK is engaging the expertise of faculty in the inaugural cohort of the TEK Faculty Fellows program this fall semester.
“It’s important that the structure and spirit of the TEK Fellows program matches the nature of transdisciplinary work that TEK emphasizes,” said Trey Conatser, Ph.D., director of the Center for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (CELT). “To that end, we’ll be facilitating robust faculty learning communities focused not only on the development and revision of these courses, but also on inquiry around how we can best prepare students to work on issues — from the current and known to the future and unknown — that are critical to the Commonwealth and beyond.”