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We hope you have had both a restful and productive summer. We are looking forward to your return to campus soon as we kick off the 2024-25 academic year.

To help with those efforts, the Fall 2024 Syllabus Guidance and Checklist details the essential elements for your class syllabi and what we hope is other helpful guidance as you make final preparations for your classes.

As an overriding principle, we sought to clarify needed elements as a checklist, while maximizing the autonomy of instructors’ expertise in crafting their syllabi. We included an additional section on classroom emergency preparedness and response to be helpful based on campus input and the importance of the safety and wellbeing of our campus community.

In short, the goal was to create clearer guidance, fewer mandatory requirements for inclusion and a helpful checklist of items that you can use as you are creating and finalizing syllabi for the fall. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

Again, we hope you have had a time of both rest and renewal this summer. We look forward to working and engaging with you as we begin a new academic year.

Brandi Frisby, Ph.D. 
Associate Provost for Academic Affairs