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Designing a Syllabus Students Will Actually Read

How many times have you said, “That’s in the syllabus”? Students are often overwhelmed by the syllabi they receive at the beginning of each semester, but there are some small changes instructors can implement that will make a huge difference for students. This session will introduce faculty and instructors to some visual design techniques and executive functioning supports that will make your syllabus more approachable for your students.

Utilizing iPads to Support Student Executive Functioning

Smart Campus, Apple, and CELT are combining efforts to offer a workshop for UK instructors looking for ways to utilize the iPad for instruction and enhancing student executive functioning. The session will feature apps like Notability, OneNote, Freeform, and Apple Calendar and explore how instructors can use them for teaching and supporting students. There will also be time for open Q & A surrounding all things iPad, and we will hear from CELT Associate Director Dr. Jill Abney and Morgan Miller, our new UK Apple Ambassador.

Canvas Quick Start Session+

This in-person session will consist of a 30-minute Canvas walk-thru offering a quick introduction for instructors on how to use Canvas for instruction. It will be followed by live, one-on-one Canvas support and cookies. CELT staff will be available until 5pm to work one-on-one or in small groups with instructors as they build their Canvas shells. Bring your device and your questions - stay as long or as short as you like.

"What is my problem?": Regulating Our Executive Functions

The ups and downs and unknowns of the last two years have increased stress and anxiety not just for students, but also instructors. Stress and anxiety have a profound effect on Executive Function, and we will talk about some strategies you can use to help you regulate yourself.