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UDL Staff Boot Camp

This three-day CELT Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Boot Camp will introduce staff to the theory and practice of Universal Design for Learning (UDL): an inclusive, research-based planning framework that helps educators reduce learning barriers through proactive design. Staff will explore and apply UDL-informed approaches to their work with the goal of fostering equitable and accessible learning environments for all students. Lunches and light breakfasts will be provided for all three days.

UDL Faculty Boot Camp

This three-day CELT Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Boot Camp will introduce faculty to the theory and practice of Universal Design for Learning (UDL): an inclusive, research-based planning framework that helps educators reduce learning barriers through proactive design. Faculty will explore and apply UDL-informed approaches to their teaching with the goal of fostering equitable and accessible learning environments for all students. Lunches and light breakfasts will be provided for all three days.

CELT Launches Digital Badging Program

We are excited to announce the formal launch of our digital badging program at CELT, with our inaugural badge on inclusive teaching. CELT badges are designed to recognize sustained inquiry and development on important topics in teaching and learning, and to support the professional advancement of faculty, graduate students, and instructional staff at UK.

The Promise and Practice of Inclusive Education

The Department of Biology is hosting Dr. Bryan Dewsbury for a presentation on his work in inclusive teaching and learning, and how an introductory biology course can help fulfill higher education's civic mission.

5R Framework for Trauma-Informed Teaching

This virtual session will introduce the 5R Framework for trauma-informed teaching and explore small ways to implement the framework into your course. Click here to register. Facilitators:

Inclusive Approaches to Assignment Design

This in-person workshop will explore inclusive practices for assignment design in order to support diverse learners. Instructors will examine one of their own assignments through the lens of their students, as they practice identifying and removing potential learning barriers that might lead to inequities in student assessment. Click here to register. Facilitators:

Teaching Neurodiverse Learners

This virtual workshop will include a brief introduction to neurodiversity including common misconceptions, instructional barriers, and strategies. Several evidence-based planning tools will be referenced in this session including Transparent Assignment Design and Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Instructors will leave with a better understanding of their neurodiverse students and some new tools for teaching these students in their classrooms. NB: this workshop can be applied towards the inclusive teaching badge.

Supporting Inclusion & Belonging by Leveraging Community Guidelines

Engaging students in the creation and use of community guidelines can support belonging and community in the classroom. This in-person workshop will explore strategies for leveraging community guidelines as an inclusive teaching practice.

Inclusive Teaching with Universal Design for Learning

When you hear UDL, what do you think of? Captions on videos? Screen reader-accessible documents? While those things are most definitely a small part of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), the UDL framework includes 26 other teaching practices designed to support teaching for all students, not just student with disabilities. This session will introduce participants to the basics of Universal Design (UD) and UDL. Participants will discuss and share strategies for designing and implementing instruction that promotes inclusion and access for all.

Trauma-Informed Pedagogy

Over the past few years, traumatic events have significantly impacted students—and instructors—in higher education. When a potentially traumatic incident occurs on or off campus, how we respond and communicate with students makes a difference in their ability to stay engaged with instructors, peers, and coursework.